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What is Human Trafficking?

By definition, human trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purpose of forced labor or commercial sex exploitation. This means that these people are slaves. They are most commonly lured into fraudulent jobs where they are then forced to complete laborous tasks and/or sexual acts such as rape/exploitation. These people whom of which thought they were taking a job oppertunity end up paying an average of 6,125 dollars to the slave owners. Often times victims of sex trafficking are people partaking in the act of prostitution who may be providing their service to someone who forces them into sex trade. The people who are involved in prostitiution are arrested more than those who are trafficking humans. Another likely case of sex trafficking is when a child is traded for money or drugs by their parent or gaurdian. 


The most common age for sex trafficking victims is 13 years old. However they're are victims much older and younger as well. 87% of the time these victims are female. 1,100 children are lured in to trafficking each year, leaving another 3,016 at risk. These underaged children can make a sex slave owner about 200,000 dollars each year. That contributes to the 10 billion dollar industry that human trafficking is worldwide. 


Human sex trafficking isn't just a 3rd world country problem induced by ISIS either, it happens very close to home. The statistics above are based on Ohio alone, which is what our group is focusing on. Human trafficking is a well known problem with no conflicting arguments that we are aware of. This means that everyone knows that sex slavery isn't okay, we just seem to not care because there has been no prevail. We want to make a change. We want to help out victims. We're going to do this by raising awareness and donating to a local organization known as Grace Haven. You can help too.

This is what they need:



  • Hats, gloves and scarfs (used or new)

  • Sweat suits (small and medium), socks, underwear, flip flops and flat shoes (new)

  • Gas cards

  • Bus passes/single rides/weekly/monthly

  • Holiday/other themed decor; table cloths, candles, picture frames, etc.

  • Gift cards to area grocery stores; Meijer, Kroger, Walmart

  • Feminine hygiene; Maxi pads, full size; body wash, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, and conditioner

  • Pre-packaged treats (chocolate bars/chips/pastries)

  • Drinks (ex: mini juice boxes, waters, sodas, gatorades)

  • Plastic container, ready-eat meals (lunchables/spaghettios)

  • Alcohol wipes/hand sanitizer




What is Grace Haven?


Grace Haven is an amazing organization founded in 2007 in 

Columbus, Ohio. They have helped hundreds of women and

girls in Ohio. Grace Haven provides former sex slaves with

jobs as well as supplies to sustain a normal, healthy life. They

are in need of the items above. If you are interested in donatining the address and their contact

information can be found below. Anything you can donate could change someone's life.

3630 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214 PO Box 82102

(614) 886- 7011

















Rescue and Restore Lives.

You Could be Someone's Hero.


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